Animation takes too long. Animators spend days or weeks (months even?) polishing our work. If I look back on the shots I am most proud of, they are usually scenes that took forever to get right. I have a sense of achievement looking back on them - but I've mostly edited out the pain that went into them.
So it's a pleasure to come across work which didn't take weeks of graft to perfect. Evgenia Golubeva is one of my super-talented ex students from the character animation course at Escape Studios. Evgenia animated a short film titled "Hold Me Clothes", a stop-motion film written by her, and animated in just one day at a film festival in Italy.
Hold Me Clothes is sweet and funny and completely charming. Her work is a reminder that good animation is as much about storytelling and an eye for comic timing as it is about polished technique. Congratulations to her on a delightful film. - Alex